B2B Media Stepping Up
Been pleasantly surprised of late....
Multiple B2B media outlets - some online/offline trade media and other strictly online media - have started forwarding leads to me over the last year for my current company and its laboratory informatics enterprise software solution.
These organizations, of course, always have the chicken-and-egg issue: advertising is needed to support spending for increased readership levels, but readership levels depend on quality content.
Companies like mine can meet two of their most salient needs in support of increased readership:
1. Content through media outreach - press releases, pitches on stories that would interest their readers, blog comments, etc.
2. Advertising to fund ongoing content and community development
So, the fact that companies like mine now receive quality leads from these organizations and in some cases company-related information viewing statistics, means that it is a much more enticing ordeal to invest time to expand a multi-dimensional relationship.
All companies, especially B2B ones, ultimately place a significant amount of value in being able to quantify return on investment (e.g. campaign, customer acquisition, customer lifetime value, etc.). The fact that media entities are growing to meet our needs, will help to ensure our success, the success of our customers/prospects, and their own success. A win-win-win situation.
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